Community Supported Agriculture

As defined by Google, Community Supported Agriculture is “a system in which a farm operation is supported by shareholders within the community who share both the benefits and risks of food production.”. CSA’s offer customers a chance to get the highest quality produce that money can buy at wholesale prices, shares by weight are 33% less expensive than the prices I charge at market and on my online store, and I already charge far less than what my produce is worth because I deeply believe that food is medicine and no one should be excluded from healthy clean food. I also dont use a tractor, so my overhead is far less, and i pass the savings on to my shareholders and customers. We use sweat labor, and even though yes I break myself out there in the field every year weeding, I do it because I care so deeply about the planet & people. This is not just a way to make a buck for me, this is a deeply spiritual vocation for me, tending the land, and doing whatever part I can to heal society.

Family and Community center around food. The law of civilization is cooperation. Too often we vote for food with our dollars that does not support healthy families and communities, and instead encourages competition that leaves people behind because it is cheaper and easier. I aim to change that. Shareholders are welcome to hang out and help whenever, just shoot me an email confirming I will be there and not out doing deliveries. I want to attract likeminded folks who are interested in building a better healthier world for ourselves and the planet. Youll find I have a mad engineer streak a mile wide and regularly work on everything from HHO/H2 cell technologies in my car, to using ancient knowledge to solve modern energy problems, and welcome any other nerds out there to join me :D. I am of Buckminster Fuller’s school of thought, you dont change the existing reality by fighting it, you change it by rendering the old order obsolete.

I calculate my plantings by the average consumption of the average American. So according to Ecology Action, the average American consumes 100lbs of potatoes annually and about 80lbs of tomatoes annually and so forth, so I plant a lot of heirloom tomatoes and potatoes. I plant pretty much everything that will grow in this climate, but I tailor the menu so to speak on what people actually like and tend to eat. Non-worker shares open June 1st, and last Until November 31st, those dates are not exact due to weather/frost/snow sometimes holding up planting, or on the other end, early frost ending the season early.

We deliver our CSA shares to Wausau, Schofield, Rothschild, Rib Mountain, Weston, Mosinee, Merrill, Antigo, Aniwa, Eland, Wittenberg, Birnamwood, Hatley and Ringle.

Our CSA Agreement:

CSA pricing is as follows:

Half share-feeds approximately 1-2 people, half bushel of produce delivered to your door 1x week. Roughly 10-15lbs produce/week, 26 weeks=$350

Add to 🛒 half share

Full share-feeds approximately 3-4 people, bushel of produce delivered to your door 1x week. Roughly 20-30lbs produce/week, 26 weeks=$700

Add to 🛒 full share

I also have space for a few worker shares. I will quite happily teach you what I know; about organic vegetable cultivation, herbal medicine and foraging wild crops.

Questions? Please fill out the comment form below 🙂